Transform Your Look with Blepharoplasty

Transform Your Look with Blepharoplasty at Dr. Kaushik’s NOVENA CLINIC

Discover the art of rejuvenation with our expert blepharoplasty services. Whether you’re looking to refresh tired eyes or enhance your natural beauty, our skilled surgeons offer personalized treatments tailored to your unique needs. From upper eyelid lifts to under-eye bag reduction, we specialize in delivering natural-looking results that restore youthfulness and confidence. Learn more about how our advanced techniques and compassionate care can help you achieve the vibrant look you desire.

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What is required to prepare PRP?

First, a blood sample is taken and then the Platelet Rich Plasma is separated from the rest of the blood by using an automated centrifuge system (The Arthrex Angel System TM).

What quantity of blood is needed to prepare PRP?

Generally, only 100 ml of blood is drawn. The quantity is a little bit more as compared to when the blood is drawn for a laboratory test.

Use of PRP in Hair Transplant Procedures

PRP is used in two ways for hair transplant –

As an Individual Therapy
  • Men and women who have thinning hair but not enough thinning to go for hair transplant procedure.
  • Men and women who cannot bear other medical treatments such as Propecia (finasteridor Regaine (minoxidil), or those who wish to use them in combination for added advantage.
Supplementing hair transplant surgery
  • It is possible that the PRP stimulates natural healing after the hair transplant in both the donor and the recipient area.
  • If someone has a limited donor area and can only fulfil some part of the bald scalp in one surgery, PRP can be used as a supplement to enhance hair growth in areas not transplanted.

How much is the cost of a PRP treatment?

The cost of PRP treatment is greatly influenced by the quality of process, sessions required and the area to be covered. Since the process includes higher-end devices to process the blood sample, the treatment bends towards making it a pricey alternative. Only a hair transplant surgeon like Dr. Kalia can assess the need and suitability of this treatment for you.

The results you can expect

As of now, PRP is relatively new for treating hair loss and evaluating results is still an on-going process. To see the after-treatment results, you can ask Dr. Kalia about it at the clinic.

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