Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Repair/Corrections at Dr. Kaushik’s NOVENA CLINIC

What is a FUE hair transplant?

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) involves removing groups of healthy hair follicles from the donor area – usually the back or sides of the head – and reimplanting them into the bald or thinning area. Using the latest minimally invasive hair restoration techniques, we create natural hair transpant before and after results with faster recovery times and minimal scarring. This means patients can wear their hair as short as they want in the future without any scar tissue showing.

How does FUE hair transplant work?

The procedure starts with a local anaesthetic, which numbs your entire scalp so you don’t feel a thing. You will also be offered a mild sedative so you can lay back and relax. Then your surgeon will extract hair follicles, one by one, from donor areas on your head where your hair grows thicker, usually the back or the sides.

A specially designed micro-instrument called an FUE punch trumpet is used to extract the hair follicles. This makes tiny puncture holes, usually 0.6 – 0.8 mm, and their small size ensures that they heal faster and are nearly invisible. Each graft contains 1-4 hair follicles. These are then replanted in similarly small incisions made in areas of the scalp where you would like to have more hair growth.

Why choose an FUE hair transplant? 

FUE has quickly become the most popular hair transplant procedure for both men and women.

Here’s why: 

  • FUE leaves virtually no scarring, so you can crop your hair as short as you like
  • Recovery is easier and faster than FUT surgery, so you can get back to normal life quickly
  • You’ll get full, natural-looking hair
  • Surgery takes 1 day to complete
  • FUE has a 97%-100% success rate at the Novena Clinic

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Why People Choose us?

Your Trusted Destination for Advanced Plastic Surgery and Hair Restoration

  • Board-certified Plastic Surgeon, MCh in Plastic Surgery
  • Ethical and principled hair restoration, specialized in hair transplants
  • Dedicated operating theater for one-day procedures
  • Affiliated with Indus Hospital, ensuring high-quality care
  • A trusted destination for advanced reconstructive procedures
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